Lazy Fella Not a Krazy LovVa


Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Movie is Cool

Baru-baru ni aku g tonton ngan member2 aku kat gsc..
Aiyoyo, de Final Destination bapak best..
aku asik jerit killing spree aje..
orang depan mental kot..
gaga, btw, aku tgk gak cerita syurga cinta kat laptop
kakak aku..
hishh, sgt besh mcm nak nangis je..
overall tahun nie cerita best yang aku tengok


comment aku, kalu cerita final dest ngan Saw, aku lagi suka Saw..
coz atliz aku tao ape punca kematian.. kalu cerita final dest, asik2 angin je kacau.
SPM lagi penting

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Morning!!

Its quite clearly that my dear addmath teacher
really want me to get knock off infront of everybody..
hey, not me the only one who didnt bring the module..
there's a lot more.. Its about 62++ pupils in the class
and I think 1/2 of 'em did the same..
but juz because I sit infront of her(depan sekali)
She can strike me on my head(str8 1st blood)??
4 hours str8 for addmath, its really 'fun'
what she did to me..?
1st, she try to ask me the formula of standard deviation..
hey!! its a simple question, but she think statistic is hard
(yes, it WAS!! i'v studied that part)
yes, I did make it for the silly question..
But, she seems like dun get it and still want to fall me down..
its unfair, She ask me instantly after the formula question:
'where is your module?'
'why dun U bring 'em?'
'why dun U bring 'em?'
say to imtinan: 'aku xnak jwab nnti aku kena beta'
imtinan said:'biar je, biar je'
she said again: 'why dun U bring 'em?'
'Hah, buat muka bodo!'
'buat muka bodo dah'
ayat nie la aku paling xtahan..
Hey!! dats the limit, I spit some bad words for my teacher to
imty, its ramadhan n I mock-up my teacher..
susah la SPM nnti..
but in manners, policy of teachers..
I guess they should never say stupid or bodoh
at their students..
But, yet.. Its not the 1st time I heard that words
cuming from her mouth..
when I was young at standard 2, my teacher
was transfered to other school for saying that..
Shhh, wut a great teacher..
Peace to the world =(

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Hex of Biology turn me to a sheep

Arghh, why the paper 2 is so that hard..
I thought I can do well after 9 month being a form 5 student,
But I juz can answer the alpha-beta cell and heart beat..
Cis, I guess I cant make it for biology, AGAIN!!
and Chemistry, drive me insane baby..
The paper 1 n 3 is quite ok actually,
sudden attack from paper 2, jadi gila daa.
Abis tu, aku rase paper untuk fizik pon same.
Paper 1 n 3 maybe senang..
Camne ngan addmath.. sudah sedia..?
Aku tunggu hari yang berkenaan la..
Like my fren azim said, idop melayu..

Monday, September 7, 2009

Woman, Revelation, and Abomination

Wow, wut a big words..
So, big words big meaning.
Wuts wif the title..?
woman is the biggest population of the world.
hey, world change, so do womans.
so wuts de point..?
they'v change so much yet, they'r great
and much intricate den man.
But certain times, most guy said, its jerk.
wut make dos guy said dat..?
it is because:
  • they got ego more then a man do
  • they try to take ver dudes job
  • woman acting like a man
  • some women spit sweet words, dats a guys job too =)

1st: wuts wif lesbos/tomboy?

a girl who enjoys rough, noisy, mans activity n a homosexual woman. thats wut the dictionary said.Yes, its true. they should nver do dat. most man love the true woman or wut malay call, 'keanggunan, keayuan, dan ketulenan'.. hehe =) So, I should say, they dun have any interest towards man. Why? So, my opinions are:

  • they got a bad experience with a man.
  • they dun have the confidence with them selves
  • lack of mums love
  • they think dat dey have the mans body.. emww =

ok, enough with 'em.. i hate that type.

2nd: wut wif the part time hair scarf users?

Ouh, I think a scarf users are cute.. Emm, so wut..? As U all know, yup, girls got the hair, I mean they cute but, wen they keep revealing their secrets people get bored.. right..? Afterall, scarf users still the most cute of all. So wut is the meaning of part time scarf user..? the meaning is, they wore 'em at school, at mosque, at funeral ceremony, and I guess dats all. but they dun wear 'em to the mall, and other public appearance. So why cant dey use it all the time outside of their home..? So I guess they will say:

  • 'suka2 akulah, rambut aku lawa'
  • 'dah kalu mak aku pong xpkai tudong'
  • 'la, bapak ako xsuroh pong'
  • 'nanti da kawin ako pakai la, itu pong kalu laki ako soh'
  • 'ko laki, ape tao'
  • 'parents ako xajar pong'

here stated wut the advantage of using hair scarf:

  • girls can cover their dandruff =)
  • can cover operation scars(if they have)
  • prevent the 'mukadimah zina'
  • ensure ur pride as a woman
  • some boys wont call u chickas

but match ur scarf with a matching outfit.Its not nice to wear hair scarf with mini skirt rite..? Scarf=skirt?? NOPE =)

3rd: wut wif flirty woman?

Uww, man love dis type of woman, but some kind people do hat 'em. I come from which group..? I dunno =) So why does woman be like dat..? Bukankan lebih baik cinta dtg sndiri? I guess dey prefer to find 'em. So, the question is, WHY? So, I did make some observations.

  • They prefer good looking and handsome guy, but dos guys dun prefer 'em.
  • addicted to love
  • sumbody entrust 'em with care and luv but they'r not reliable, so dey flirt sumore.
  • they think guys love their flirty action

My observation result, not good for that type of woman.. de examples are:

  • the relation wont last long
  • being a tolls for man(U know why)
  • boys will call U chickas for sure
  • U'll make more enemies den U ever thought

So, I guess, lets play nice. Ders no need to rush in this matter. Some woman would say,'we as woman never need man to live life'. I dun agree, woman still need man in many matter. yes dats their stand, and I can do nothing but atliz to tell 'em dat the stand that they hold on is wrong.

So I guess dats all about my observation, for now.. Dun get mad, its a public judgement.

So, live ur life..

Be young..

Peace to the world =)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wuts wif my hair style?

Hey, its kindda wierd, strange, bizarre..
the way dey look str8 2 my hairs..
wuts wrong wif 'em..? I dunno..

Is it:

  1. Got dirt on it

  2. its to shiny(hell NO)

  3. dandruff(oh NO)

  4. Its too spiky
  5. hell too long=)

Ohh well, I'll juz ignore 'em coz I can see they got jelez eyes..

Ahaha.. its not like that.. I can share on how 2 keep hairs healthy..(I'm not scrappy Cocco)


-U should always keep it clean by shampoo

-Dun mess it by various type of hair styling wax or clay or gel. Use only one type per time

-U should not alwayz take ur shower using hot water. it make ur scalp dry

-Dun go to saloon to str8en ur hair.. Ur growing bald for sure..

-If ur hair type is curly.. U alwayz can style it up using clay.

How to make ur hair longer?

yes, U can wait for it to grow but take ur time..

I heard dis from my melaka friend; use 'serai'..


-pick up the serai from markets or fresh from ur yard.

-take it to ur kitchen and clean it up 1st

- den, punch the plummy part of the serai using mortar stone.(dun destroy it)

-boil water.. den put the serai into the hot water..

-Wen the water turn greenish yellow, cool it to the room temp.

-apply dis to ur head oftenly to make ur hair longer..

But how if u'r a bald person?

I heard a product called BON dat can make a bald person grow hairs..

U can found it at pharmacy nearby.. its not costing U too much cash.. juz around 7-8 ringgit

how to apply?

-use it before u'r going to sleep..

-apply it on ur scalp every night..

-clean it after u'v awake

Hoho, dats all for now..

Be a stylo man

Be young..

Peace to the world =)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ku racism..? Benar kah..?

  • knowledge Am, selalunya dia tahu banyak
  • guitar, he's my guitar hero
  • dota, still a pro


  • muzik, dia tahu banyak lagu n liriknya
  • BI, he's my second teacher after my eng teacher
  • grafik, itulah cita-citanya.. graphic designer.


  • Afiq budak baik
  • xsuka rambutnya disentuh
  • Gadgets, he's an expert


  • he's pro in his words.. =)
  • I love his style..
  • most of all, he got his own stand.


  • hey my man..
  • cool, he can dance wif his body
  • a friendly dude dat I respect


  • cute little boy..
  • i like ur style
  • u suite azlinda 4 sure.. =)

So, ape kaitan ngan title post nie..?

ntah la, aku pon xtao..

but most of all, I do love my dear frenz.. =)

Sweet colours of mine =)

I guess there r some people asking..
Hey, wut wif dat turquoise and purple colour..?
Its simply as Its my favourite colours..
Oftenly, I used those colours to draw four leaf clovers..
Yes, I guess that the clover is sweet n W is sweet too..
I dont know wuts the point, but its ok..
Btw, the colour is sweet..
or actually I only have that colours in my case.. HAHA
Sokay, atliz U all know rite.. Miaow~ ^^

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I ♥ my dear four leaf clover W

Krazy Krazy Krazy..
That little girl make me fell like, YEAH!!
I love Ur Cute Big Smile..
I love Ur silly walking style =)
I love Ur giggles..
and I love Ur voice..
not a fake cute.. hehe
Dear God,
Please keep her safe from any harm.. =)
Coz dear, I heart U with my every inside..
W, I want U 2 know dat I love U..
N I want to give U my Clover..
I mean, my heart..
haha.. koya jiwang..
Sweet uhh..? No la.. =)